Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle of making research freely available to the public, students, researchers, and to support a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication Ethics:
The journal has an Editorial and Advisory Board for Special Interest Insect Group which publishes the journal. All the members of the Advisory Board and Editorial Board are recognized experts in the field. The full names, affiliations as well as contact of all the members are provided on the journal’s website and published journal.
Publication fees/charges:
Journal is freely downloadable. Editorial processing fee per article/author:
Students Rs. 300 (India), Others Rs. 400 (India), Overseas 10 USD. Further the journal will be mailed to any individual on request, free of cost. Subscription is free.
Authors’ responsibilities:
Authorship of the paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. Transparency and originality by authors are strongly encouraged.
Blind Review Process
All of the journal’s content is subjected to blind peer-review from experts in the relevant fields including the advisory board members. Upon ascertaining the suitability of the submitted manuscript as per the scope and subject matter of the journal by the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with the Editorial Board, the articles are sent to two expert reviewers. Reviewers will evaluate the suitability and thoroughness of the articles. They will critically read and evaluate a manuscript in their specialty field, and then provide constructive comments to improve the quality of the article. The decision of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript is taken after taking into account the reviewer's comments and the Editorial Board’s consultations. Reviewers are asked to provide a statement of no conflict of interest.
Publication ethics
The editors shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred. In no case shall a journal or its editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. In the event that a journal’s editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct the editor shall deal with allegations appropriately. The journal’s editorial board takes appropriate means and measures to retract or correct articles when needed. The submissions are checked for plagiarism. The publishers and editors should be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.Note: If the output of the article is based on falsified data or pirated data/ misconduct in research, then the editorial board has the right to reject the same.
Copyright and Access
The authors hold the copyright of the articles published and are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Copyright © 2020 Insect Environment - All Rights Reserved. The journal issue and individual articles are available to readers immediately upon publication free of charge to read, download and share. The sole objective of the journal is to advance new knowledge in entomology.
The journal is hosted at and all previous volumes are available under Archives. The articles and volumes are open access and freely available. Hard copies of all previous volumes for last two and a half decades are available at Library, ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bangalor, India.
Principles of transparency and best practiceOwnership and management
The journal is published by the Special Interest Insect Group. Journal is managed by the independent editorial board delegated by the Advisory Board. The journal is a not-for-profit enterprise.
Web site
The journal’s website is:
Publishing schedule: Journal is published quarterly, in March, June, September and December and is in publication since 1996.
Name of journal
The Insect Environment is the only journal published by Special Interest Insect Group, since 1996. Concept Conceived By: Editor-In-Chief and Team, IE
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